Eastern Regional Icelandic Horse Championships
/2018 Eastern Regional Icelandic Horse Championships (ERIHC)
The goal of Eastern Regional Icelandic Horse Championships (ERIHC) is to recognize both ability (high placing scores) and commitment (attending 3 or more shows).
The following shows are scheduled for "east of the Rockies":
- May 26/27: Lettleiki Sanctioned Show, Shelbyville, KY
- June 23/24: NEIHC Open, Thor Icelandics, Hudson, NY
- July 28/29: Solheimar Open, Tunbridge, VT
- Aug 4/5: Flugnirkeppni, Winterhorse Park, Eagle, WI
- Sept 8/9: Toppur Sanctioned Show, Harmony Icelandics, IA
- Oct 5-7, Kentucky World Ranking Event, Lettleiki, Shelbyville, KY
- Oct 27/28: Frida Icelandic Horse Sanctioned Show, Montaire Farm, Middleburg, VA
Scoring and Awards:
- No one needs to sign up, we will just tally the results of the above shows
- Scores follow the rider, with the exception of the Green Horse division. Scores follow the horse. (Please note that once a horse scores 5 or above 3 times in ANY FEIF class, the horse is no longer eligible for Green Horse classes).
- Scores from 3 Shows will be used in calculations (Show 1 + Show 2 + Show 3 = score). If someone rides in only 1 show, they receive 0 for Show 2 and Show 3 scores. If someone rides in 2 shows they receive a 0 for Show 3 score. If someone rides in the World Ranking Event, their highest score will be used. If someone rides in more than 3 shows we will tally their top 3 scores.
- Fun Classes will be scored as described above, with the rider receiving 10 pts for 1st place, 9 for second, 8 for third and so on.
- Awards will be a printed certificate and will be mailed out before November 30.
Division Champions:
- Novice (T7 and V5)
- Intermediate Four Gait (V3 and T5 or T6)
- Intermediate Five Gait (F2 or F3 and T5 or T6)
- Group Open Four Gait (V2 and T3 or T4)
- Open Four Gait (V1 and T1 or T2)
- Open Five Gait (F1 and T1 or T2)
- Youth (11 and under) (V6J and T8J)
- Youth (12 to 16) (V6 and T8)
- Green Horse (VGH and TGH)
Fun Class Recognition (We may be able to recognize more fun classes, provided there is enough overlap in offerings between shows):
- Three Gait
- Pleasure Tolt
- Beer Tolt