Reconnect to Riding in 2021

The current cold of February has many of us looking forward to regular tölting, outdoor riding, and general fun with our Icelandic horses. While they are the fuzzy and hardy ones that don’t seem to be bothered by the cold, us riders may need a bit more coaxing - and layers - to get out and play with our horses.

The club board is committed to serving the membership in 2021 with a re-connection effort, and we sincerely welcome input from everyone. In addition to planning and listing regular rides, competitions and clinics, we are organizing at least one full-club get together in the warmer months, similar to the Winter Warm-ups but more of a picnic style.

Look for announcements soon regarding these efforts.

Eastern Regional Icelandic Horse Championships

2018 Eastern Regional Icelandic Horse Championships (ERIHC)

The goal of Eastern Regional Icelandic Horse Championships (ERIHC) is to recognize both ability (high placing scores) and commitment (attending 3 or more shows).

The following shows are scheduled for "east of the Rockies":

  1. May 26/27: Lettleiki Sanctioned Show, Shelbyville, KY
  2. June 23/24: NEIHC Open, Thor Icelandics, Hudson, NY
  3. July 28/29: Solheimar Open, Tunbridge, VT
  4. Aug 4/5: Flugnirkeppni, Winterhorse Park, Eagle, WI
  5. Sept 8/9: Toppur Sanctioned Show, Harmony Icelandics, IA
  6. Oct 5-7, Kentucky World Ranking Event, Lettleiki, Shelbyville, KY
  7. Oct 27/28: Frida Icelandic Horse Sanctioned Show, Montaire Farm, Middleburg, VA

Scoring and Awards:

  1. No one needs to sign up, we will just tally the results of the above shows
  2. Scores follow the rider, with the exception of the Green Horse division. Scores follow the horse. (Please note that once a horse scores 5 or above 3 times in ANY FEIF class, the horse is no longer eligible for Green Horse classes).
  3. Scores from 3 Shows will be used in calculations (Show 1 + Show 2 + Show 3 = score). If someone rides in only 1 show, they receive 0 for Show 2 and Show 3 scores. If someone rides in 2 shows they receive a 0 for Show 3 score. If someone rides in the World Ranking Event, their highest score will be used. If someone rides in more than 3 shows we will tally their top 3 scores.
  4. Fun Classes will be scored as described above, with the rider receiving 10 pts for 1st place, 9 for second, 8 for third and so on.
  5. Awards will be a printed certificate and will be mailed out before November 30.

Division Champions:

  1. Novice (T7 and V5)
  2. Intermediate Four Gait (V3 and T5 or T6)
  3. Intermediate Five Gait (F2 or F3 and T5 or T6)
  4. Group Open Four Gait (V2 and T3 or T4)
  5. Open Four Gait (V1 and T1 or T2)
  6. Open Five Gait (F1 and T1 or T2)
  7. Youth (11 and under) (V6J and T8J)
  8. Youth (12 to 16) (V6 and T8)
  9. Green Horse (VGH and TGH)

Fun Class Recognition (We may be able to recognize more fun classes, provided there is enough overlap in offerings between shows):

  1. Three Gait
  2. Pleasure Tolt
  3. Beer Tolt

American Youth Cup

The American Youth Cup Mission:

1.    Be an educational opportunity for youth riders

2.    Encourage teamwork and friendships between youth across the nation

3.    Be a platform for our best youth riders to compete and show their skills

The American Youth Cup is arranged every second year and will last for approximately a week.  It is an event that is both educational and competitive but overall encourages friendships between young Icelandic horse equestrians across the nation.  The participants will be aged 12 – 17 and will use horses at the location selected for them through a semi-random process.  The participants will be divided into teams.  During the beginning of the week the participants will be coached by some of the United States most qualified and successful riders and trainers.  They will participate in a variety of team activities and go on a group field trip.  The last two days will include an Open Sanctioned Show.  The riders will compete in a selection of classes including FIPO sport competitions, Cross-country trail competition, and Icelandic horse dressage competition.  Individuals and teams will be awarded for high scores, team spirit, sportsmanship, and horsemanship.


The goal of the application process is to evaluate whether the applicant has the necessary skills to thrive in the situation that will be presented to them at the American Youth Cup.

These skills are summarized as the following:

1. Ability to ride a horse that they have never ridden before in a selection of FIPO classes, Cross Country Trail Competition, and Icelandic horse dressage.  

2. Openness to learning in new and challenging situations

3. Ability to become part of a team and encourage team spirit in a group of fellow competitors.   Ability to make friends and show good sportsmanship.

Applicants resume will account for 60% and applicants confidential teachers evaluation will account for 40% of their score when being ranked for acceptance.  Rankings will not be public information. 


Teacher's Evaluation 
