Minnesota is warming up and we're looking forward to hitting the track at Tolthaven Icelandics for the Flugnirgæðinga Sanctioned Sport Show! We hope you'll join us for the fun and the educational opportunities. Whether you're a seasoned competitor or are considering your first show, we welcome you!
Meetings & Educational Sessions
In addition to judging our sport show, our featured judge will be teaching several informational sessions for us. This is a great show for people new to showing as well as for experienced competitors. Classes for riders and horses of all levels will be offered! He is just as excited to introduce new riders to the fun and excitement of Icelandic competition as he is to accurately assess the progress of advanced riders.
Judge's meeting
Friday, 7:00pm
“Intro to Sport Showing & How to Choose Your Classes”
Friday, 7:30pm, following the judge's meeting
“Prepare to Perform”
Saturday pm after the show, time TBA
“Improving Your Performance”
Sunday pm after the show, time TBA
Pre-Show: More information to follow
Post-Show: Our judge will be available Sunday afternoon after the show and all of Monday for private lessons and assessments of horses. For more information or to sign up for a lesson spot contact Kydee Sheetz at acicelandics@yahoo.com.
Arrival Times
Most people will be arriving Thursday and Friday, so let us know if you need earlier accommodations.
Food Options & Vendors
Friday evening (weather permitting): Bonfire hotdog roast (bring your own meat and something to share)
Saturday noon: Mexican food truck
Saturday evening: Group outing to local restaurant
Sunday noon: Hamburgers on the grill
Camping on the farm is free. Electric hookups are $15 for the weekend (limited number).
Pelican Motel (about 2 miles north) http://www.pelicanrapidsmotel.com
Fergus Falls (about 20 miles south, easy highway drive) Lots of choices to choose from.
Area lake resorts or Maplewood State Park cabins (15 minute drive)
Feather Award (amateur and professional divisions)
Given to the judge's choice for light, harmonious riding
Sponsored by Aslan's Country Icelandics
Top 4 and 5 gait combinations
Sponsored by Tolthaven Icelandics
Please consider sponsoring a class to help offset the cost of the show. Sponsors will be announced during the show. We appreciate your consideration!
Stalls & Paddocks
Stalls: $25/night - required for stallions and then first-come first-serve (only 10 indoor stalls available)
Paddocks: $25/night - can hold up to 3 horses
Reserve online: http://tolthaven.com/stall-paddock-reservations
Please reserve by May 24, 2019 to help us plan.
Please contact Susy Oliver at tolthavenranch@gmail.com or via her cell at 701-866-2550 with any questions. She would love to hear from you! Please share this show information with your regional club members and friends. Thanks!
Negative Coggins required before unloading your horse(s).
Show Forms: