Flugnir Breeding Evaluation: September 6th - 7th
Toppur Sanctioned Show: September 8th - 9th
Come join your fellow Icelandic horse enthusiasts this September for a Breeding Evaluation & Sport Show at Harmony Icelandics in Peru, Iowa. This inaugural event, sponsored by Toppur Icelandic Horse Club and Flugnir Icelandic Horse Association, will be held at the beautiful new facilities at Harmony Icelandics and promises to be an exciting time featuring excellent judging, educational sessions, beautiful horses, and great fellowship.
Stall & Paddock Reservation Form
Flugnir Breeding Evaluation Fees:
Full Evaluation - Conformation & Ridden Ability: $300 per horse
Conformation-only Evaluation: $150 per horse
Young Horse Linear Description: $75 per horse
On Friday afternoon of Sept 7th, Flugnir will be hosting a Young Horse Linear Description in conjunction with the Flugnir Breeding Evaluations and Toppur Sport Show. This will be a great time of learning for breeders, owners and buyers alike as foals and young horses are formally assessed for conformation, spirit, and intrinsic talent for the gaits. Breeders can learn how close they have come to their breeding goals. Owners can learn about what a given horse is best suited for. Potential buyers can get information about future prospects as well as gain understanding about how much of a horse's performance is based on training versus natural giftedness. The fee for this event is $75 per horse. Contact Deborah Cook at cookice65@gmail.com
IMPORTANT INFO FOR COMPETITORS COMING FROM OTHER STATES: Proof of negative coggins within the past 12 months and a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) within the past 30 days, preferably within the past 10 days, are required for ALL horses coming into Iowa. https://www.legis.iowa.gov/law/administrativeRules/rules…
For additional information or questions about the event, please contact Virginia Lauridsen at Virginia@harmonyicelandics.com for reservations, Kydee Sheetz at acicelandics@yahoo.com for general show information and Deb Cook at cookice65@gmail.com to register your horses.
This event has been sanctioned.