The annual Flugnirkeppni event will once again be held at fabulous Winterhorse Park Icelandic Horse Farm in Eagle, WI. Competition begins on Saturday, August 26 at 9 a.m. Our judge this year is a FEIF International Sport & Breeding Horse Judge.
Riders of all abilities and spectators are welcome at Flugnirkeppni or the riding clinic and young horse evaluation that follows on Monday. The Flugnirkeppni class listing has been finalized; please see the showbill posted below. This will be a sanctioned show offering the requisite classes. Fun classes and a trail competition are included, as well as the annual Flugnir club meeting.
Participants are welcome to arrive as early as Thursday, August 24. This is also a great opportunity to interact with professional trainers and possibly arrange riding lessons.
If you have any questions, click to contact Eve Loftness.